Sunday, December 5, 2010

A 1-day trip to TATE MODERN and LIPSTICK color conversations...Life cannot be more FULLFILLING

My new life, as simple as it seems to be is pretty much fullfilling by now. Don't envy me, it's not everybody's cup of tea. I am sharing it with you so that when you read it you will be like: Oh, I thought models have amazing lives, but know that I know it, I feel so much better about my own life!

So it was one of these Mondays we had a day off, the TUBE and the students were striking again for whatever reason, so the models were free to do whatever. I woke up early at about noon, went to the kitchen and there was already a PLAN. Let's go to TETE Modern...

But before that one of us had to go to see a doctor and another to take a shower and another to wake up....So eventually at 3pm we finally left the house..

(how many girls do you see in that picture? 2? no!)

with the TUBE complications it took as an hour to get there with two stops at Starbucks, one extra stop to pee, add to that the extra time for taking tourist pictures

pictures of random things:

(Russel Brand is not random though, I just took it to remind me of the next MUST SEE film after I LMAO at Take Him to the Greek)

and all that...then we saw it:

From this perspective TETE looked a bit prison-like though, so I will give you another chance to like it:

AND finally at about 5 pm we went inside to be blinded by the 1st piece of ART:
The Sunflower Seeds

See, if they didn't tell me I would have passed that piece of art without even noticing it. But there was this sign:

and the girls were already asking me if I saw the sunflower seeds. I felt embarrassed I didn't see them yet. I mean I did apparently, but didn't realize it. So I went back to really SEE them again, enjoy their beauty, think about sunflower seeds and take some pictures of course!

Our next encounter with art was a bit scary then. These three portraits of women with babys- naked, hairy, bleeding.

It was all the opposite of what we "models" are trying to achieve in our business- fake beauty, cover all imperfections with make up, digital retouch...all in order to come up with an image so perfect and unreal!
I was confused for a moment. Who wants to see women as they really are? And wasn't art supposed to radiate beauty even when it uses the ugliest object as it means? I am sorry I am really art-illiterate. I am not trying to make fun of it, just to understand. And thanks God there were the words to enlighten me:

Ok, now it all made sense. Vulnerable, invincible, traumatised!!! OUCH that hurt. I just started thinking babys were cute but...Now I stopped thinking it again. And won't think about it soon.


O wow, that is amazing, isn't it. I will contact the artist to ask about the prize. I really want to have it in my living room. I am afraid though, that I will not be able to afford it. Not now, not in a hundred years. I mean look at the precise cut of the canvas. It is absolutely unique!

Ok, this museum really started to confuse me. I am almost convinced now, that I can be an artist too. I have taken amazing pictures with my phone! I could make an exhibition of my mobile photography! I will show you later. But before that some nice works too, or let's say things that not anybody can do, or more precisely: maybe many people could do, but not everybody will put so much time and energy into it and call it art:

And last but not least, we found an image of ourselves, four girls eager for art:

At the end of the day we were all sooo exhausted. Actually, it was really nice thing to do. We all agreed that art is exhausting, since it provoked discussions and made us burn calories by activating some brain sells and visual receptors. Because recently it happened to me twice to have a whole meaningful conversation about a lipstick color!
And that has simultaneously worried and surprised me. Firstly, I was surprised by the fact that such an insignificant thing as the lipstick you are wearing can be a topic even of a small talk. Secondly, I was worried because I started that conversation myself and it went for what is maybe 5 minutes discussing different nuances of red and lipstick brands and so on while I was in the restroom retouching my lipstick. This happened on a Friday night. So of course you cannot be expected to lead highly intellectual conversations...
Fortunately yesterday night, (which was Saturday of the same week) another girl in the ladies room in another London club started the same conversation asking me: Do you always wear red lipstick? Why is everybody wearing red lips tonight? It was three of us in the ladies room...So I wasn't worried anymore!!! Apparently other people thing about the same things too.

Does any of that make sense??? Ok ladies, put your led rips, eeerrrm I mean RED LIPS and dancing shoes and go out have fun!!! Cause soon it might be that nobody wears red lipstick again!

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