...said Franklin D. Roosevelt once, and now I know ...I mean I felt 100% what he ment, and he was absolutely right...
After 1,5 hour lining up to get on the highest, fastest (or whatever else roller coaster was available at the Fuji-Q amusement park) for a 60 seconds ride...I'd say that the waiting was the scariest and most exciting part of it all. Because you are just standing there, pissing in your pants, looking at all those scared-to-dead-faces of the people who have already got off... and your imagination is playing your worst enemy in those minutes.
So eventually, you find yourself standing there among hundreds of people, asking yourself SHOULD I DO THIS? DO I REALLY HAVE TO DO IT? IF THOSE 4-year old 110 cm tall (minimal high) children can do it, DOES IT MEAN I CAN DO IT TOO??? WHAT IF SOMEBODY PUKES ON ME? IS MY SAFETY BELT TIGHTENED RIGHT? IS MY BLOOD PRESSURE HIGH OR LOW (since from time to time you hear some advices in English, who shouldn't do this ride)...DO I HAVE ANY KIND OF HEART DISEASE I MIGHT NOT BE AWARE OF???all that kind of stuff going through your mind for an hour and a half and literally making you crazy..and then it's all gone for like 45 seconds...
Once you're on it, you just scream and expect the worst to come, but than it's over and all you see are the bored-to-dead-faces of the staff (who are helping you to release your seat belt). They are clapping, which I guess is supposed to mean: "Well done! You've just survived the scariest ride in the world", but they have habituated this "ritual of clapping" so much and do it in such an uninterested and unexcited manner, that it makes it even less meaningful. And you just feel like one of the tons of people, who have already had the guts to do tit Well, of course I am exaggerating a bit. It is scary and it is fun.
Well, if I have to be completely honest, I chickened out for the scariest one (that is spinning you around, up side down, with your legs up, backwards and giving you the feeling that you are almost hitting the ground, before you head up again...)
But I did the highest AND the fast accelerating ones (second one turned out to be my favorite, since it feels and it sound like you are in a space craft)...So I am pretty proud of myself and can go to bed with honor now!
So, my point is that FEAR, as a substance of life, is there to remind you that you can always go FASTER, FURTHER, HIGHER and to push you beyond your own limits! The very moment, when you feel fearless- THEN you should be afraid and ask yourself: " Wait, am I missing something here?! Am I still alive???"
A little piece of advice for you kids:

PS Big thanks to TLS for planning and organizing this day full of joy and excitement!
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