Thursday, November 24, 2011


the spot of earth supremely best. A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest! 
Robert Montgomery

There is nothing half so pleasant as coming home again!
And yet..where is home?
What is home?

I image, and hope, that to most people there is only one HOME!
Though, I (and probably many of my fellow-models-super-duper-friends)
feel lost in the polysemic meaning of that HOME-concept!
We say HOME much more often than we actually have the pleasure of going there...

"I am going home" may well mean:
a) I am going back to the model flat, which i share with 6 more girls, after a full day of castings.
b) I am going to my hotel room after a whole day shoot on the beach someplace  in a time zone different than that of any of my facebook friends who might still be awake...
c) I am going back to my friend's place where I am staying for now until I find somewhere more permanent...

We tend to call HOME any place we have left our suitcase 
and we forget that home means a lot more than just that!
When we want to say that we are finally going home we say:
This means the real home!

So, there I am in my HOME-HOME!
I collected some thoughts about HOME and put them under the pictures I took in the countryside last weekend!
Don't worry I don't live in a forest! 
And that building down there is not my medieval castle, it is the Monastery I've been christened in!

 “HOME is a place you grow up wanting to leave, 
and grow old wanting to get back to” 
John Ed Pearce
 “No matter under what circumstances you leave it, HOME does not cease to be HOME. No matter how you lived there-well or poorly.” 
Joseph Brodsky
 “HOME is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.”
Robert Frost
 When you're safe at HOME you wish you were having an adventure; 
when you're having an adventure you wish you were safe at HOME”
Thornton Wilder
Be grateful for the HOME you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need.
Sarah Ban Breathnach

 Here's kind of my motto - if you're not happy at HOME, you're not happy anywhere else.
Angie Harmon
 HOME is where you can say anything you please, 
because nobody pays any attention to you anyway”
Joe Monroe
 “HOME is the place where it feels right to walk around without shoes”
 "HOME is one's birthplace, ratified by memory."
Henry Anatole Grunwald
 HOME is HOME, be it ever so humble...
 "HOME is the place we love best and grumble the most."
Billy Sunday
 “HOME is a name, 
a word, it is a strong one;
stronger than magician ever spoke, 
or spirit ever answered to, in the strongest conjuration.”
Charles Dickens
 Every day is a journey, 
and the journey itself is HOME.”
Matsuo Basho
 "HOME is an invention on which no one has yet improved."
Ann Douglas
“There are things you just can't do in life.
You can't beat the phone company, you can't make a waiter see you until he's ready to see you, and you can't go HOME again.” 
 Bill Bryson

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Back to the roots!
It's been a whole year!
And there I am, back to where it all srated!

London->Lisbon->Hong Kong->New York-> London!

Europe feels so peaceful and familiar! It feels home!

Normally I'd have so many things to 


complain about




But this time I will stay MUTE!

New York is a tough place to live, for tough ambitious people!
It is a lonely place!
It is a fun place too!
But you gotta know who you are 
you gotta know what you do...or you are lost in the crowd!
Everybody wants to be somebody,
everybody wants to make it big!

It feels like time in NY goes 3 times faster,
and i feel like I am 3 times wiser than i was before...

You will see a movie filmed somewhere at least once a day!

You might even see some celeb live!

I didn't make it to the Statue of Liberty, 
but Empire State Bldg was impressive!
I've been to many many tall buildings around the world
and I've seen many many nice views..
But this one stands out for sure!

Guggenheim Museum
I went to a few Museums too...

Times Square
59th Street
Central Park

But Central Park is probably what i will miss the most...