A walk home at 4am...and some lost thoughts

Well technically, it's Hong Kong, but still. It's China.
I am from Europe. I am narrow-minded.
I consider Europe the center of the world.
I like it that way.
People from other continents consider their continents their center of the world. That's fine!
Did you know ALDO is a Montreal brand.
And such and such shop and such and such sportswear and such and such body lotion and such and such hair oil are also from Montreal.
My flatmate is from Montreal and suddenly it seems to me that everything comes from Montreal. And Montreal is the best.
People from the Philippines eat rice and fried pork for breakfast. I guess that's fine for them too.
Anyway, we are still in freakin' China.
Well, Hong Kong, whatever.
Can I imagine living here!?
Hell no!
It's not that I hate it.
I don't hate it.
There are few things that I like and I will probably miss.
But I can totally live without them.
Such as
bubble milk tea and other freaking drinks with stuff to chew
such as fried spicy seaweed
such as seven 11 open 24/7
such as Chinese pancakes with peanuts paste
such as drinks with aloe vera or coconut jelly
such as cheap cabs
such as...mostly everything cheap
such as humidity and hot weather
such as fresh lychees
such as ferrys and boats
Ok, i think that's pretty much all.
Do I regret for coming here?
Hell no!
I'm just grateful (kind of) for being here and seeing that and never looking back. :p
I try to sound more positive but i know it doesn't come across that way.
People still tell me: "I read your blog, I see you are in Asia. I hope it is getting better"
Just for the record, it's not like I am suffering or anything. I decided to come here, nobody dragged me to freakin' Hong Kong. I thought i was escaping something...or somebody...kind of running away...
Well I am far, but it's not like I am away. I am still here. Hello!!!! Don't forget me! I will be back!
I found out, that there is no such place as "away"... but that's another story...
There are many nice things I saw and i will try to share lots of "picture material" soon, whenever I am in the mood of "floating pigs" (="uploading pics" heard from my Montreal flatmate who pretends not to understand my Bulgarian accent)!
I just like complaining more than i like showing off, that's all!
So don;t you dare feel sorry for me!
I am fine!