Saturday, October 24, 2009

Social Networks/Blogs VS Human/ Nature

Ok, now I have some second thoughts about this blog. Not only because I am still hesitating about the exact topic or purpose. I’m a bit angry with all that new- age- type -of -communication thing. Social networking is like guys- you can’t live with them, you can’t live without them. Or wait, this is what men say about women. Anyway, I just saw on facebook that a friend of mine I used to go to university with (we were never really close) got married on 09.09.09 on Mauritius. Great! Something I’d probably never know if it hasn’t been for this social tool. So, how does this information help me? I mean, I could congratulate her or I could just click the “like” button (Back in the time, texting substituted personal phone calls which we weren’t really eager to make, but now we don’t even need to explain ourselves that much) I can see what a lovely bride she was. I can even see her husband, who I’d have most probably never had the chance to encounter in live. But, does this change my life in anyway? No! So why do I need to know all that stuff about other people.

Besides, it’s never what it looks like. Another example: Two weeks ago here in Paris I bumped into a friend that I used to stay together with for a while in London two years ago. It was a really “nice” coincidence. I kind of had an idea of what she’s been doing lately thanks to her status updates- lots of travelling to exotic places, lots of nice jobs and so on. She seemed to have a life to die for. So I meet her, we go for coffee, have a nice chat and than she tells me how she broke up with this guy she really loved, how she broke her knee and couldn’t walk and work for 6 months and some other not so “cool” stuff that happened to her. So, while I’ve been really really happy for her and maybe just a bit envy (let'a call things their names) it turns out that she might use a friend or someone to talk to…

Of course, for those we care we don’t need any social networks. Our closest friends, our family-we know how they are doing, we still talk on the phone or occasionally meet. And this is my point- our human nature. We are social creatures; we need to communicate, to keep in touch. Underline IN TOUCH. Very nice figure of speech, isn’t it? Because keeping in touch is basically, if you try to imagine it, being close to each other, so that you won’t lose the “touch”. And as it turns out blogging and networking, except it’s for business or on a specific topic, doesn’t REALLY gives you an idea about…well there is no REAL TOUCH.

Ok I admit- social networking has lots of good sides too. That’s why I’m still in all those creepy virtual communities. Especially for people who travel. And especially nowadays, when everybody travels. The woman I am staying with here, she is a hairdresser. And yes, she travels for work too. She goes every two months to… I forgot which country in Africa to make the hair of some apparently very important guy who is flying in his hairdresser from Paris every two months. I’m sorry for repeating myself but I just want to make sure that you got my point- a HAIRSTYLE!!! What about the environment, the ozone layer, the we -are –running- out –of- natural-resource-concern, the pollution, the let’s-donate-1-euro-every-month-for-a –hungry-child-in-Africa? Yeah, what about all those things. I’ll tell you what- we wouldn’t need them if they had good hairdressers and chiefs and probably dentists in Africa. And I have these very same thoughts every time when I get booked for a job in another city- isn’t there anybody who can do it there. Don’t get me wrong, I love travelling. But can somebody more responsible please care about our planet a bit. I know we can’t ban people flying around, but if there is a big flood the Maldives will be the first place on Earth to disappear, and I really want go there for my honeymoon some years from now, eventually. So I really hope the Earth can stand us and our irresponsible wishes for a bit longer. I’d go there by boat if that is what it takes. Than we can all build bunkers and live in the mountains happily ever after. But this is completely different story. Sorry for the excurse…

My point was that for those we care, we don’t need a network to keep us in touch. And knowing what the other person is exactly doing in every minute while he or she is away from us doesn’t necessarily mean that you are in touch. Actually, not at all.
So, now I tell you why I am angry- because I realize how those social networks turn us into selfish human beings. Selfish or lonely!?! Or both- which in turn is AGAINST our HUMAN NATURE….and against the nature…but that’s another issue… I am angry with myself starting a blog, which nobody would ever read anyway, but I am still writing it, because I guess I still have nobody to share with. Oh, no biggy, I have 300- something friends on facebook. And who can I call now? Who can I tell what is on my mind? Noone! Hey, but I can still put it on my status. The chance is that at lest 10 people will “like” it. So what?

Monday, October 19, 2009

2 a.m.

I had too much cacao tonight. Can't sleep. Blogs could be a good thing to fill some time in your empty bed i guess. (don't pay attention to my weird expressions...)

Today,while walking in Pere Lachaise Cemetery (which by the way is an official tourist attraction and even offers a virtual walk on its website, I realized it's been a month since my arrival. Time not long enough to go on top of the Eifel Tower, see Mona Lisa or visit Versailles, Pompidou, Invalid and all regular tourist sights(unfortunately)...but apparently long enough to
- experience french firemen breaking into the flat through the window;
- get to see Vivienne Westwood and a bunch of "top models" live;
- catch up with old friends I know from other trips;
- make new friends or meet new people who turn out to be friend's of friend's or ex girl/boyfriends of other friends (which could lead to awkward situations...);
- celebrate my Birthday with "strangers";
- cry on the steps of Sacre Coer
-find a Bulgarian supermarket (not that somebody cares, but just in case you need some good yogurt)
...In other words: time long enough to gather first impressions!

SO, how do you know that you are in PARIS?!

1) if you can smell freshly baked croissants and pain au chocolat (right spelling?) in the metro station every morning! (underline morning, normally all metro stations smell like piss...)

2) if you see more than two girls looking lost, carrying big books and maps in the metro or on the street (could be Milan, NY or London...but in this case is Paris!)

3) if you miss the metro and you wait only 2 mins till next train arrives

4) if more than 3 people in the metro are biting their nails (never seen anywhere else so many people biting nails, which has made me change my seat many times)

5) if there is a metro station every 300 feet

* after 1)-5) you see where i get to spend 75% of my time

6) if the waiter is angry with you with no reason (maybe you turned the chairs of this cute street coffee place wrong, they are supposed to be facing the street- Don't move them! Or maybe you just tried to order in French-Don't you dare, even if their English is worst than your French! Well, unless you wanna drink beer instead of Evian)

7) if you are about to visit someone and beside the regular details such as street name, number and floor there is a CODE! (it is not a postal code, it opens the door!)

8) if there is no WC in the bathroom (I mean- it's not that unusual, but here is everywhere-so don' t ask for a bathroom, ask for the toilet)

9) if women on the street are pretty, stylish and skinny (clap clap! bravo! french women are taking good care of themselves)

10)...if guys are good-looking too (ok, this could be also Italy or Spain...but those here don't check you out, they seem too busy)

11) if almost everybody has a cat (or 3 small dogs walking them on a leash, seems that having one dog is not cool, big dog is also not cool)

12)if they tell you: "If you need something, there is a CASINO around the corner!" Don't worry, you don't have to go gambling, it's a supermarket chain.

Don't get me wrong! I already LOVE Paris! No, seriously, I do!

BP going to bed now!

my first post

Ok, this is it! My first post...What am I supposed to say here??? I wanted to start a blog because I have all these thoughts during the day that I want to share, but when it comes to write it down it's all gone. SO i should start somewhere...

Bulgarianprincess is a cheesy name I know, so save the comments on that one. I didn't have time to come up with a better name+ you can't escape from who you think you are...

Now that the first post is here it should be easier with all that follows. I promise it will get better!
I will tell you all about my adventures in impressions, my work, the people I meet, the things I see...

xoxo BP